About Akros Middle School
Arrival & Dismissal Information
Doors Open 7:30 a.m.
Breakfast is served from 7:30 - 7:45 a.m.
Classes start 7:50 a.m.
Dismissal begins at 2:45 p.m.
Fast Facts
Opened in 2009, Akros has been around for over 10+ years. One of the few Charter Middle Schools in all of Akron.
Over 30% of students are accepted into advanced education programs after graduation.
100% of all teachers are licensed for their teaching field.
Small class sizes to meet the individual needs of the student.
All students have their own Chromebook to use while at school.
A “Leader in Me” school for over 9 years.
Free lunch and breakfast for all students
Free transportation to and from school for all students
Our Approach
At Akros Middle School, we recognize the individuality of students and appreciate their talents, interests, and needs. Students learn in an environment where mutual respect, shared responsibility, and the value of each individual are emphasized. All students are held to high expectations and the process of learning as a life-long experience is encouraged. Academic programs are geared toward providing a challenging college preparatory curriculum while recognizing that students also need structure, support, consistency, and encouragement as they mature through these vital years.
Each student has access to a Chromebook, which has become an invaluable learning tool in our curriculum. This 1:1 program allows the students to always have access to the tools and resources of the 21st Century classroom. Our finding is that students learn best and are more engaged when they are able to access, analyze, and synthesize information using digital tools. The 1:1 program helps our students to achieve and be successful in a fully digital learning environment.
Our educational program is designed to promote the intellectual, social, emotional, physical, and cultural wellbeing of each of our students. We strive to develop maturity, self-confidence, skills, and knowledge.
Akros Annual Report
Sponsor Annual Report
Akros participates in the
Special Safety Tip Line in Ohio:
1.844.SAFEROH or 1.844.723.3764
The Ohio Department of Education and the Ohio Department of Public Safety have the SaferOH tip line that will accept both calls and texts 24 hours a day for schools that register for the service.
This tip line allows students and adults to anonymously share information with school officials and law enforcement about threats to student safety -- whether that involves a threatened mass incident or harm to a single student.
Every tip can remain anonymous. School safety analysts may ask for additional information, but the caller can remain secret or leave his or her contact information for later follow-up.
Calls or texts to 844.SaferOH (844.723.3764) are answered by analysts in the Ohio Homeland Security's Threat Assessment and Prevention (TAP) Unit. When action is needed, the TAP Unit immediately forwards information to local school officials, local law enforcement agencies and others, if necessary.
TAP Unit analysts always follow up quickly with the affected school and law enforcement agencies to make sure that the incident is investigated, action is taken and the outcome is tracked.
The assurance that their calls or texts cannot be traced and that serious, proper action will be taken to end the threat is helping to persuade young people to take a stand against school violence.